Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Honeymoon is Over!

Yes, this is Aidan in his "Life is SO Unfair" Position. The honeymoon is over. Dad has been home for two weeks, life is back to normal--and so are the kids. The past two mornings have been huge exercises in patience with Matt back at school and all three kids trying to figure out how to readjust to being the four of us again for a few hours.

This has been the hardest on Aidan, who adores Daddy and is quite ticked off that he has to go back to work. He has reverted back to the terrible two's with a vengence. Anything Mom (or his Aunt Lisa) wants him to do is the end of the world. Even something as simple as getting in the car is a full-blown drawn out temper tantrum. He spent about 45 minutes in the corner for various offenses Tuesday morning alone. He has been hitting, biting and just downright mean at times. I love my son! =) It is Matt's turn to get a glimpse of what the first two months of his deployment were like at home.

Chloe is handling Matt's return to work quite well. She does ask when he is coming home throughout the day and can't wait for him to come home. She is a very busy girl which helps. Between homeschooling a few hours a day, speech, dance, brownies and her classes she is constantly on the go.

Brenna is still not sure about Daddy. She is fine when it is just him and the kids but as soon as Mom is in the room, or the house for that matter, forget it. She wants nothing to do with him. So him being gone during the day doesn't phase her too much. As long as she can crawl all over the house, she doesn't care.

The kids will be fine in another week or two. Mom just needs to survive the days. =)

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