Friday, January 9, 2009


Hello! I don't have any pictures to post right now--we've been too busy trying to get back into the swing of school, schedules, homework and routines. It has been a long week for the kids, although next week will fly by. :-) But I thought I would share with you some of the Webster Family's events over the past few days:

Chloe-is now in private speech for an hour a week and is doing so well. Her Apraxia can cause reading delays (since reading and speech are so closely related). She is also struggling with low self-confidence (which is also common in kids with Apraxia) and often gives up on something before really trying. Failing is a terrifying thought to her. So please pray that she can overcome her self-consciousness. I talked to her speech therapist yesterday and she is very impressed with Chloe's progress. She believes Chloe is right on the verge of learning how to read, Chloe just doesn't realize how much she knows. Which I have seen for quite a while. So hopefully with some more one-on-one attention over the next few months she will take off with her reading.

Aidan-is as mischievous as ever and is having a hard time adjusting to being on our school schedule. Today he started tumbling for the first time. He wasn't too sure at first (his tumbling class is where Chloe takes dance so I think he thought that he wasn't suppose to be in the dance studio) but once he realized that he got to play and have fun he was all for it. He jumped on the trampoline, army crawled, did somersaults and just played. He had a blast! Mommy loved it too because the class used up some of his never-ending energy.

Brenna-is having a very rough week. She refuses to sleep in her crib which has become a huge battle. Everyone in our house is sleep deprived due to her screaming for hours (all because she refuses to sleep in the crib). She is also teething and not feeling great. She could use some prayer for her health and adjustments to life over the next few weeks. She does have her moments when she is laughing, babbling and playing just like normal but than she will scream as soon as I leave her sight and she won't willingly go to anyone but Mom. So as you all can imagine--Mom's exhausted.

Mom- is (besides being absolutely exhausted) hanging in there. Tonight I went to a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator meeting. I had such a great time. I love stamping and truly do enjoy my fellow demonstrators. We made three beautiful cards tonight and had the chance to visit with each other. I left with lots of great ideas for my business which I hope to set into motion this year.

That's all for now from the Webster Clan in Soggy Washington State!

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