Friday, August 24, 2007

Wet Your Pants Funny!

If you want a great laugh you have to check out this auction listing on Ebay. The auction is over but the story behind the auction is laugh outloud hillarious!

If you are up for more laughs, than check out this funny mom's blog!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bailey's New Do

We are down to one dog now--our Cocker Spaniel, Bailey. She got a much needed haircut and bath today. The pile of hair under the table was HUGE. She used to look like a giant blonde mop. Now she looks a bit more like a beagle rather than a cocker but that will change as her hair grows out. She smells so much better and feels much better, I am sure. Since she is all clean we let her in the house today and she is so happy to be inside she can hardly sit still.

Bailey is so sweet and great with the kids. She let's Aidan beat on her and she just stands still until he is done than she walks away. Chloe and Bailey have always had a special relationship and have played great together. Bailey and Felix get along too! They just sniff one another and than move on. Silver on the other hand is not impressed with Bailey. As I am writing this, Bailey is sitting contentedly at my feet and Silver is hiding under the futon growling and hissing furiously. It is almost funny. Oh, well. Silver is just going to have to get used to the dog. Bailey was here first.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Playing Around

Aidan is our little monkey for a reason. He climbs on and in the oddest things. I walked out of the office the other day and he was sitting in a large rubbermaid container. He was so proud of himself!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Playing with Stamps & Making Cards

I received two Stampin' Up! boxes today and of course Chloe had to get in on all the fun. She got to make a card tonight with Mom and Nana. She even got to emboss her own card (with a lot of adult supervision with the heat gun of course). She learned how to emboss resist and made a beautiful Christmas Card. Chloe loves stamping and has a blast making cards and 3-D paper projects with Mom. Chloe is very creative and has an eye for design and spaces. It is so much fun seeing what she can create.

Acceptance or Tolerance?

I am not sure if Felix is just tolerating Silver or if he has actually accepted her as a part of the family. But the opportunity was too good to pass up.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Way TOO MUCH Stuff!

It amazes me how much stuff we accumulate over the years. We have only lived in our house for 3.5 years and there are times when it feels way too small, because of all of our stuff. Since Matt is now on leave, we are tackling our "Honey do" list with a vengence. The gutters and roof have been cleaned. We have been steadily cleaning the office all week and it is almost there . . . well, it was almost there.

Today we tackled the attic. Yikes. Everything is still covered with white powder from the texturing we did to the office walls. So now comes the joy of going through all the crap and cleaning it up for our yard sale next weekend. I didn't think it would be a very big yard sale but I may be wrong. We have a bigger pile of stuff in the living room for the sale. Our attic has never been this empty, which Matt is loving. We are trying to only put things that are in bins up there to make finding things easier to find later.

Okay, enough blogging back to cleaning, organizing and purging.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Hi-Oh Silver! Away!

Without planning on it, we came home yesterday with a new webster, her name is Silver. She is less than 3 months old. She is a silver tabby, you can see the stripes under her silver coat. So we decided that Silver is a perfect name. She is incredibly sweet and easygoing (a must with a one year old and a five year old). She has been great with both kids and lets Aidan play a bit rough, to a point. Chloe is in love, as you can imagine, and we keep having to tell her to leave Silver alone. She is so curious and has to explore everything. So far we have only let her into the office and the garage, tomorrow we will let her into the family room. There are too many places for her to get lost or hide so we figured a room a day would be less intimidating for her. As for Felix . . . (if you can believe it) . . . that great big cat is afraid of the kitten. Hilarious, I know. He is slowly warming up to her, he is doing better than Hannah did when I brought him home. I think they will get along fine over the next few days.

Adding Some Curb Appeal

If you drive up and down our street, you will find at least five other houses that are very similar to ours. The only reason our house stands out is because it is yellow with light blue trim. Besides landscaping we have been trying to figure out what we can do so our house catches the eye. So for over a year we have been searching for some ironwork to put on the front of our house. We haven't had much luck because most of it is $75-150. A bit more than we wanted to spend. The other day we found four iron pieces, perfect for our idea, for less than $50 at the Clubhouse! Got to love the clubhouse. So here is the final result! Let us know what you think!

Monday, August 13, 2007

What happened to Summer in Washington?

I don't know about the rest of you around the country, but we have not had much of a summer here in the soggy Evergreen State. We have about three days of nice weather (lower to mid-70s) than battle with a week of rain, clouds and low temps. I guess this is why we are called the "Evergreen" state. :) It is supposed to warm up through Wednesday so we might actually make it down to the beach tomorrow. It is suppose to rain again on Thursday.

Okay enough whining. What is going on in the Webster family? Gearing up for Matt's transfer (we are staying here, he is just moving across the street to a new command) he only has five more days!! Matt will have 30 days of leave so we have a HUGE list of projects to get done before he goes back to work. Mostly cleaning up the yard around the house before winter sets in and finishing up those little projects that always need to be done when you own a house. I know we will enjoy having Daddy around the house for a while.

As for the kids . . . Aidan's six tooth broke through early Sunday morning. That is a huge relief. Today he is back to his old, onery, mischievious self. In less than an hour he broke the instructions off of the gas fire place in the family room, unrolled the toilet paper in both bathrooms, terrorized the cat, knocked Matt's alarm clock off of his night stand and pulled stuff out of the garbage can. All of this before Mom could even get dressed and get breakfast. Chloe is doing well, she is more than ready for school to start again. Her summer session of Ballet and Tumbling is going well and she is enjoying it.

I am busy trying to finish up lesson plans for the first six weeks of school (always fun), get Chloe's lesson plans done for the year, get some activities going at church and keep my business going (check the links on the side to see what I have been up to). I started selling Stampin' Up! at the beginning of the summer and am loving it. It has helped so much especially during the summer months when I am not teaching and not getting a paycheck. I plan on selling even while I am teaching. Matt and I have some big plans for the house and the added income will go a long way in making those plans a reality.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

What a Party Animal!

We celebrated Aidan's first birthday today in grand style. We had a marvelous BBQ at Nana and Poppa's house. The weather and company were perfect, making a fun day for everyone. Nana, Poppa, Chloe, Mom and Dad, Uncle Michael, Aunt Kim and Gerry, both Cox families, and the Jungs were there to celebrate with us. We had a dining fly set up for shade and plenty of seats for everyone.

Aidan and the other kids made bubbles and played in the sprinkler. This was Aidan's first time playing in the sprinkler and he absolutely loved it. Even when the water sprayed him right in the face he couldn't get enough of all the fun. He was out there in his swim trunks, shirt and water shoes, screaming and squealing with excitement. Only when he was too cold to stand up did he finally get out. Aidan is now walking all over the place and he got plenty of practice walking to everyone all afternoon. We had a delicious late lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, fruit, crackers and chips. Plus plenty of cool drinks to keep everyone going.

Aidan dug into his presents where he received a load of clothes (perfect for our growing boy) and his favorite: cars and trucks. He got the beginner series of tonka toys (they are soft rubber with no little parts, perfect for little mouths). He also got the little people dinosaur set which he loves. He is just now beginning to appreciate the ENTIRE closet full of Little People in his room. He had a monkey cake (perfect for our little monkey). He couldn't wait to dig in. There was no hesitation on his part when we put his piece of cake in front of him. He went for that frosting with both hands. He was covered in frosting by the time he was done (he even had a glob behind his ear). So he went in for a quick bath.

After the rest of our guests left and things quieted down a bit, the Websters and Sousas ate a great spare rib dinner and than stayed up and watched Cars. The best part was that we watched it outside with Poppa's new projector screen. It was just like the drive-in, without the cars. The birthday boy didn't make it very long before he was out. Chloe made it through the movie but crashed on the drive home. It was a great day full of fun! Thank you to everyone who helped make Aidan's first birthday so memorable.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Daddy's Home!

We got to pick up Daddy from the air terminal today. Yeah! Chloe has been bouncing off the walls with excitement. She has really missed Daddy over the past month. Aidan was completely oblivious but since sister's excitement was so contagious, he joined in the squealing. He was walking all over the air terminal. He loved the fact that there were floor to ceiling windows that he could look out of and pound on. We had to wait quite a while for Daddy to land, since the second flight landed first (only in the Navy). Chloe was very upset that Daddy was not on the first plane. She was ready to leave without him she was so mad.

Daddy's plane soon landed and she was busy looking for the shiny bald head. She went flying into his arms and couldn't stop talking. Aidan walked right up to him without any help at all, a bit of a surpise for Dad who didn't know Aidan was a full blown walker yet. Aidan wasn't too sure who dad was at first, but once he heard his voice Aidan could hardly contain himself. Both kids are thrilled Dad is home. They were both vying for his attention.

We are so glad that Daddy is back with us! Mommy especially! :-) It will be nice to have him home with us for a while. This is our last trip with this command. In two and a half weeks Matt begins the process of transferring to a new command. Don't worry, we aren't moving. It took a lot of prayer and trust but we did find orders here. It means more sea duty but we are getting the routine down.