Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Day Rainstorm

We had a wonderful Easter Day despite the torrents of rain and the 70 mi. wind gusts. Both kids got all dressed up which Chloe loved of course. Aidan started the morning off on the cranky side so he was less than impressed with the whole dressing up part. We ran through the parking lot at church and enjoyed the service. Both kids had a great time playing and learning about the true meaning of Easter.

After church we came home and the kids looked for their Easter baskets. Each of the kids got a bubble tumber (helps reduce bubble spills when the kids are blowing them) and other gooodies. Than Mom cut and diced veggies for a salad for dinner than we all packed up, dodged the rain again and headed to Aunt Lisa's. The kids got to do an indoor egg hunt right away (it's kind of hard to hide the eggs in the house while containing the kids into one room). Chloe is a pro at this by now and Matt helped Aidan run through the house gathering eggs. They both had so much fun. Once Aidan realized that some of the eggs held candy he was totally sold on the egg hunt. We had a delicious dinner of ham, salad, scalloped potoatoes and finished off with some yummy desserts.

We visited with Lisa, James, Jenny, Laurie and all the kids (I think there were 14 there but I lost count) for the afternoon. Than we headed out to Nana and Poppa's for some Easter surprises. Instead of the planned egg hunt we stayed in the house and listened to the wind blow. We stayed for dinner and a movie than the kids got their Easter buckets. Of course Aidan was thrilled with more candy. He had gone the entire day without a nap totally sustained on a sugar high! Chloe got her chocolate bunny so she was happy. It was a great day spent with family and friends! Now we are ready for spring...if it ever gets here!

A Rare Sunny Day

We have had such a rainy spring that we take advantage of any nice day even the chilly ones. Here's Chloe on her brand new bike she got for her birthday and Aidan on his tricycle from Christmas. Matt had to get into the fun as well!

Friday, March 21, 2008


I just added a new feature in the right hand column of the blog (scroll down below our picture). Just type in your e-mail address and you can become a subscriber to our family blog. Every time I add a new post to the website you will automatically receive an e-mail notifying you. Now you don't have to keep checking everyday (unless you really do love us!).

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Brenna Update

My pregnancy is going well, still some bumps along the way but overall it is fine. Two weeks ago I had a doctor's appointment that didn't go so well. My blood pressure was high (although you chase Aidan all day and NOT have high blood pressure) which concerned the doctor. They tested me for toxemia (a serious condition I had with Chloe) and it tested in the medium range, not high enough to cause serious alarm but high enough to get some attention. I also had to do another blood glucose test (yeah, drink more orange goo).

Yesterday I had another appointment so they could check on my blood pressure, etc. My blood pressure was low (surprising after the insane afternoon I had). My toxemia levels were barely traceable. My blood glucose test was perfect and my blood sugar was actually low (surprising since I had eaten cake about two hours before the test :) ). The doctor was impressed with my progress and Brenna's heartbeat was very strong (not surprising since she is all over the place). Yeah! So we have avoided the dreaded bedrest threat for now and life can continue as normal.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pajama Party!

Last night was Chloe's 6th Birthday Party. She had a pajama party and she has been talking about nothing else for months. Over the past month or so Chloe has caught the craze and has gone Hannah Montana crazy! Everywhere we go, she sees Hannah Montana stuff and squeals (Oh boy!). We are careful what Hannah Montana music she can listen to since she is only six but Chloe loves playing "Rock Star". She decided she had to have a Hannah Montana/Pajama Party! We did manage to find Hannah Montana plates, party goodies, etc. and of course our little diva was thrilled.

All of her friends came over with much squealing and fanfare (nine girls can do a LOT of screaming)! They played dress up (of course) just like every girl who comes over to our house. Played tag and hide-n-seek and did a lot of running through the house. We had lots of pizza and juice for everybody. After pizza the kids decorated a white pillowcase with fabric markers. They were a very creative group of kids and all set to work very diligently.

Once everyone was finished with their masterpieces, it was time for presents. Chloe was thrilled to finally be able to attack the pile of presents she had been eyeing all night. She got so many wonderful things: Clothes (which she desperately needed since she is fast outgrowing EVERYTHING in her closet), Hannah Montana goodies, My Little Ponies, Littlest Pet Shop pets, a purse with make up and so much more!

We had a delicious purse cake and ice cream that everyone devoured, which is good since we hardly have any left! Than it was time to say good night to everyone and send them all home full of sugar and completely exhausted. A nice combination I know.

It took Matt and I almost two hours to get Aidan and Chloe calmed down after all the excitement. They did have a great time playing "Rock Star" with Chloe's new Hannah Montana electric guitar and microphone. All in all it was a great night and Chloe's birthday week ended with a bang!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Made Board!

Matt made Chief's Board! YEAH!!!

Now this does NOT mean he has made chief just that he will be considered for making chief later this spring when the Chief's Board meets back east to select all the new chiefs. He still has to submit his packet with his service record, etc. to be reviewed by the board. So please pray with us!!

Either way, whether he makes chief or not, I am so proud of him. He is working full-time, going to school two nights a week, studying for the exam, and makes sure that he gives plenty of quality time to the kids (and me). Each day I love him more and more and I couldn't be more excited for my Best Friend!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Happy 6th Birthday Chloe!!

Happy Birthday! Can you believe our Chloe Anne is now 6 years old? I can hardly believe it. She is grown so much over the past year. We let her open her presents from family today since it was her actual birthday. She was so excited. She got to pick where to go for her Birthday dinner and went to Wendy's with Mom, Dad, Aidan, Nana and Poppa. When she got home there was cake and ice cream waiting for her. It was a good day.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Planning and Staying Busy

We are doing well and all seem to be on the mend from sniffles and upset stomachs. We have been busy planning for Chloe's birthday which is in 8 days! I can't believe it! My 'Bug' will be six. Okay I will stop for now. I am sure that on the tenth it will hit. She is having a Pajama Party for her birthday the weekend following her birthday. That is all she has talked about non-stop for months. She can't wait. We are having pizza and playing games and the girls get to make and decorate small pillows. Too much fun and a lot of planning for Mom. That's okay, she only has one birthday a year so we might as well make it a blast.

Matt is still doing well in school although he is ready for a break. He is thinking about taking next term off. Not that I am complaining with the baby's due date getting closer and closer. It would mean less stress for all of us if he took a break. The kids miss having him home in the evenings to. He didn't really seem interested in any of the classes being offered for his major so I think that has a lot to do with his decision as well.

Aidan is still getting into everything. He is so busy and curious. It is so hard to keep up with him. He tries so hard to be helpful, like today. Chloe was putting her clean clothes away so he decided that he could do that to. So he picked up his pile of clothes and dropped them in front of his bedroom door. At least they were in the right doorway. Tonight at dinner he was practicing his new words "Thank you" over and over again, it was very cute.

I have been busy with the upcoming school play (this year we are performing The Wizard of Oz) and trying to get all of that organized and taken care of. I am also busy working my Stampin' Up! business and enjoying that. I made all of Chloe's birthday invitations this year (click here and scroll down to 'Busy, Busy, Busy" for pictures) and have a couple of workshops and classes scheduled for this month. I hope all of you are doing well. Have a great week!