Sunday, March 2, 2008

Planning and Staying Busy

We are doing well and all seem to be on the mend from sniffles and upset stomachs. We have been busy planning for Chloe's birthday which is in 8 days! I can't believe it! My 'Bug' will be six. Okay I will stop for now. I am sure that on the tenth it will hit. She is having a Pajama Party for her birthday the weekend following her birthday. That is all she has talked about non-stop for months. She can't wait. We are having pizza and playing games and the girls get to make and decorate small pillows. Too much fun and a lot of planning for Mom. That's okay, she only has one birthday a year so we might as well make it a blast.

Matt is still doing well in school although he is ready for a break. He is thinking about taking next term off. Not that I am complaining with the baby's due date getting closer and closer. It would mean less stress for all of us if he took a break. The kids miss having him home in the evenings to. He didn't really seem interested in any of the classes being offered for his major so I think that has a lot to do with his decision as well.

Aidan is still getting into everything. He is so busy and curious. It is so hard to keep up with him. He tries so hard to be helpful, like today. Chloe was putting her clean clothes away so he decided that he could do that to. So he picked up his pile of clothes and dropped them in front of his bedroom door. At least they were in the right doorway. Tonight at dinner he was practicing his new words "Thank you" over and over again, it was very cute.

I have been busy with the upcoming school play (this year we are performing The Wizard of Oz) and trying to get all of that organized and taken care of. I am also busy working my Stampin' Up! business and enjoying that. I made all of Chloe's birthday invitations this year (click here and scroll down to 'Busy, Busy, Busy" for pictures) and have a couple of workshops and classes scheduled for this month. I hope all of you are doing well. Have a great week!

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