Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pajama Party!

Last night was Chloe's 6th Birthday Party. She had a pajama party and she has been talking about nothing else for months. Over the past month or so Chloe has caught the craze and has gone Hannah Montana crazy! Everywhere we go, she sees Hannah Montana stuff and squeals (Oh boy!). We are careful what Hannah Montana music she can listen to since she is only six but Chloe loves playing "Rock Star". She decided she had to have a Hannah Montana/Pajama Party! We did manage to find Hannah Montana plates, party goodies, etc. and of course our little diva was thrilled.

All of her friends came over with much squealing and fanfare (nine girls can do a LOT of screaming)! They played dress up (of course) just like every girl who comes over to our house. Played tag and hide-n-seek and did a lot of running through the house. We had lots of pizza and juice for everybody. After pizza the kids decorated a white pillowcase with fabric markers. They were a very creative group of kids and all set to work very diligently.

Once everyone was finished with their masterpieces, it was time for presents. Chloe was thrilled to finally be able to attack the pile of presents she had been eyeing all night. She got so many wonderful things: Clothes (which she desperately needed since she is fast outgrowing EVERYTHING in her closet), Hannah Montana goodies, My Little Ponies, Littlest Pet Shop pets, a purse with make up and so much more!

We had a delicious purse cake and ice cream that everyone devoured, which is good since we hardly have any left! Than it was time to say good night to everyone and send them all home full of sugar and completely exhausted. A nice combination I know.

It took Matt and I almost two hours to get Aidan and Chloe calmed down after all the excitement. They did have a great time playing "Rock Star" with Chloe's new Hannah Montana electric guitar and microphone. All in all it was a great night and Chloe's birthday week ended with a bang!

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