Friday, May 25, 2007

Daddy's Home!

Yeah! We have Daddy home again! We went to the Air Terminal and picked him up this afternoon. Chloe was so excited all morning. She couldn't wait until it was time to go get Daddy. Aidan was of course oblivious to all the excitement. Mommy couldn't wait to have her best friend home either!

Matt ended up flying in a half an hour earlier than expected, so we arrived right as they were walking into the terminal. Chloe was upset, she thought we had missed Daddy so she ran ahead to meet him. She found him right as he walked into the door. Aidan was a bit confused to see Matt in his sunglasses but as soon as the sunglasses came off he recognized Daddy and was so excited he could barely stay in his stroller.

We have had a great afternoon playing and catching up on all the latest!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Spending Time With Family & Friends

Yesterday I drove down to Seattle to visit Chloe and Aidan's godmother, "Aunt" Lisa. For those of you who don't know, Lisa and James adopted a little girl from China in September. Claire is recovering from surgery to correct a birth defect. I got the chance to relieve Lisa for a couple of hours and entertain Claire. She is doing good, she is still in a little pain but sat up for the the first time in her hospital crib and wanted to play. So we colored, read and tatooed her with stickers. She still cannot eat so we have to keep her very distracted, not always an easy task. It was a fun afternoon. Hopefully her body will continue to heal so she can start eating again and than come home.

Aidan and Chloe spent a wonderful day at Nana and Poppa's. Chloe got the spoiling she needed, enough to last her for the rest of the week. Nana took her to dance class so she even got to show off all of her new moves and dances for the dance recital, she was very excited about that. Aidan, after taking a two hour nap, ate all day, got into everything, and picked on his sister. He is getting a little demanding now that he is getting older and wants whatever Chloe has. Both kids crashed as soon as we got home at 9 that night.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

New Addition to the Family

We recently got a new addition to our family, his name is Rocky (Chloe got to pick his name), he is a red Betta fish (I got to pick the color, he matches our living room). We have managed to keep him alive since Friday (not quite a new record for us but if he makes it a month than we are doing good). He is a good fish, having the plant in the vase helps keep the water clean (which I love) and he barely eats anything. Rocky loves to hide in the roots of the plant. Chloe and Aidan love to watch him swim around his vase. Chloe likes to watch his tongue when he is eating.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Finally Feeling Better

Just a quick update! Thank you for all your prayers. Aidan is doing much better and is back to his old self today. His cough and runny nose are slowly going away. Unfortuneately Aidan managed to pass his cold on to Poppa and Nana. Poppa is doing better but Nana is very sick. She could use some prayer so she can quickly get over this nasty cold.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Aidan Loves Ice Tea

Aidan ate so much tonight, he must be felling better! When he was done with his tortellini and french fries, he decided he needed to see what the rest of us were eating and drinking. Aidan has been fascinated with straws ever since I gave him some smoothie through a straw. Now he tries to grab everyone's drink, especially the straws. Well, he decided to see what Poppa had been drinking at dinner. Aidan did very well and barely made a mess. After he got over the initial taste of the ice tea he went back for more. Yum!

Than he discovered the ice cubes in Aunt Kim's ice water. He wanted one so bad but couldn't quite figure out how to grab one in the glass. He finally got one and was so excited; until he put it into his mouth. He screwed up his face, sucked on it for as long as he could before spitting it out. Once his brain freeze was over, he went back for more. He is so funny.

Surprise Visitors!

We got a great surprise this weekend -- Our Aunt Kim and Uncle Randy came up for a visit. Chloe didn't know that they were coming up and she was besides herself when she saw them. Chloe has her "Auntie Kim" wrapped around her little finger. She loves visiting with her aunt and uncle. We went out to dinner with Nana and Poppa and had a great visit.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Saturday Morning

Aidan is slowly getting better. He still has a terrible cough at times, a very runny nose, his eyes are still a bit swollen and he is a little weak (not standing up as often as he was a weak ago). I think it will be a long recovery, this cold really took him down for the count but he is a trooper.

My mom came over this morning to watch Aidan so that I could take Chloe out for some "Mommy-Daughter" time. It was needed! Chloe's good friend Tacia joined us for our monthly trip to the "Clubhouse" for the Kids' Workshop. This month they got to make a stand for an herb garden. Let me tell you, this project was in my skill range. 4 nails, three pieces of wood, some dirt and seeds and "Ta-Da!" a garden (all we have to do is try to get the sucker to grow). Next month is a biplane. Daddy better be home for that one.

As we were dropping Tacia off at home, Chloe got to stick out her tongue at Uncle James (her godfather), on the computer with a webcam. He is "far, far, far, far, far away" (according to Chloe). That made her morning, she talked about it as we headed downtown for breakfast. We tried a new place and really enjoyed it. It gave Chloe and I a chance to talk and spend some much needed time together. She must of had fun because she asked if we could do that again next week.

Than it was off to dance class. Chloe had tap and ballet this morning. She loves ballet and is really coming into her own. She can do quite a few steps all by herself and loves to show off her dancing skills. She has a bit of trouble saying the French words but she knows what they mean. She enjoys tap but after quite a few spils this year (tap shoes are extremely slippery for those of you who don't know) she is a bit leary on her tap shoes. She knows her tap routine the best so far for the dance recital and sings the song throughout the week. She did a great job at dance this week and earned herself a cup of "coffee" (hot chocolate, but don't tell her that).

Friday, May 4, 2007

Sickness Update

Last night I took Aidan to the ER, his cold has gotten much worse. He has conjunctivitis (eye infections) in both eyes and will be considered contagious until about 4:00pm this afternoon. I have to put antibiotic drops into his eyes 3X a day, you can all imagine how pleasant that is. He also has an upper respiratory infection. So he is just downright miserable. His cough and runny nose are just getting worse this morning. So please keep us in your prayers this weekend. On a brighter note, Chloe is almost completely over her cold and seems to be doing much better.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Kids sick, Busy week!

Hello everyone! This is starting out to be yet another busy week (yes, I am still drowning in mountains of sewing). But I see a light at the top of the pile! I also ordered the dance costumes for the church dance recital, for those of you who would like to know. I cannot wait until June 16th!! The school play will be over, Chloe's dance recital will be over and the dance recital at the church will be over and I can take a BREAK!!

To top it off both kids are sick. Chloe stayed home from school on Tuesday so she could kick this lingering illness. She is in the final coughing and runny nose stage so I think her recovery is just around the corner. Aidan on the other hand is fighting hard. His nose is running like a faucet, he has bad coughing spells and is just plain miserable. He spent Tuesday night screaming, he was beyond exhausted, but he couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep, his body just ached too much. Neither child has had a fever, I am very grateful for that, just very bad colds. The whole house smells like menthol with the vaporizor going at full steam. So if you could keep us in your thoughts as we hang out at home and recouperate we would really appreciate it.