Sunday, May 20, 2007

Spending Time With Family & Friends

Yesterday I drove down to Seattle to visit Chloe and Aidan's godmother, "Aunt" Lisa. For those of you who don't know, Lisa and James adopted a little girl from China in September. Claire is recovering from surgery to correct a birth defect. I got the chance to relieve Lisa for a couple of hours and entertain Claire. She is doing good, she is still in a little pain but sat up for the the first time in her hospital crib and wanted to play. So we colored, read and tatooed her with stickers. She still cannot eat so we have to keep her very distracted, not always an easy task. It was a fun afternoon. Hopefully her body will continue to heal so she can start eating again and than come home.

Aidan and Chloe spent a wonderful day at Nana and Poppa's. Chloe got the spoiling she needed, enough to last her for the rest of the week. Nana took her to dance class so she even got to show off all of her new moves and dances for the dance recital, she was very excited about that. Aidan, after taking a two hour nap, ate all day, got into everything, and picked on his sister. He is getting a little demanding now that he is getting older and wants whatever Chloe has. Both kids crashed as soon as we got home at 9 that night.

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