Sunday, May 6, 2007

Aidan Loves Ice Tea

Aidan ate so much tonight, he must be felling better! When he was done with his tortellini and french fries, he decided he needed to see what the rest of us were eating and drinking. Aidan has been fascinated with straws ever since I gave him some smoothie through a straw. Now he tries to grab everyone's drink, especially the straws. Well, he decided to see what Poppa had been drinking at dinner. Aidan did very well and barely made a mess. After he got over the initial taste of the ice tea he went back for more. Yum!

Than he discovered the ice cubes in Aunt Kim's ice water. He wanted one so bad but couldn't quite figure out how to grab one in the glass. He finally got one and was so excited; until he put it into his mouth. He screwed up his face, sucked on it for as long as he could before spitting it out. Once his brain freeze was over, he went back for more. He is so funny.

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