Monday, September 29, 2008

Polka Dot Princess

Brenna was all dressed up for church the other day. She looked absolutely adorable in her polka dot dress. Chloe used to wear dresses like this all the time when she was a baby. I must admit, this is the first time Brenna's ever been this dressed up. The dresses she normally wears don't have as many layers or as puffy. I guess that's what happens when you have three kids--you tend to look for the simplest outfits to put them in! After seeing her all dressed up and cute I may have to change that mindset a bit! :-) Here are some beautiful pictures of our "princess".

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sun, Dirt & T-Ball

It may seem odd to have T-ball in the fall but it is one of Chloe's classes this year. She is so my daughter--completely uncoordinated and not interested in sports at all. :-) What can I say--she is a ballerina at heart! But she is actually doing very well in the class. She has caught a ball, got someone out and can hit the ball quite far. She really seems to be enjoying the class, although I am not sure if she likes playing t-ball or just drawing in the dirt.

Yes she does have a pink and black baseball glove! Guess what--it lights up when she catches the ball!! Chloe is such a girl.

Chloe hit the ball on her first try! She is having fun and staying active.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

We are so busy with the start of school. Chloe and I have kicked homeschooling into full gear and she is going strong. Math is her strongest subject and she loves it! Language Arts is harder for her with her speech issues but things are finally starting to click. Aidan is so funny when it is school time. He joins Chloe at the table and colors while she is doing homework. It is so cute. Chloe recently started Girl Scouts again. She really enjoys Brownies. As soon as her vest comes in I will take some pictures of her in uniform. She is doing awesome in dance and looks forward to it every week.

Aidan is doing well but as stubborn as ever. He has learned how to open doors recently which makes bedtime a battle since he refuses to stay in his room. He is learning how to play using his imagination. Cars are his current favorite, although he still adores dinosaurs and animals. He plays with his hot wheels racetrack constantly. Thanks Matt--that thing is so loud you can hear it going all over the house. :-)

Brenna is a laughing, squealing, wiggling, ball of energy. It is 10:30 at night and she is laying next to me happily playing and screaming at me. Yes--screaming. She has recently discovered her vocal cords and screams at the top of her lungs when she is happy (which is usually when I am on the phone). She rolled from her back to her tummy on Friday and is enjoying playing on her tummy. Her personality is starting to come through. She is a little shy and slow to warm up but once she decides she likes you, she is an absolute doll.

I am surviving and taking it a day at a time. Stamping and creating cards, scrapbook pages and more has become my therapy. When all the kids are finally asleep (or early in the morning), stamping is Mommy's quiet time. School is going well. It is nice to only be teaching a few hours a week right now. It gives the kids and I more time to spend at home. I will try to take some more pictures this weekend. Have a great week!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dinner Time Antics

We try to eat together every night, although with school starting it is sometimes hard to keep that up with all the school time activities. Here is a goofy Aidan (his shirt is off because we were having ravioli smothered in tomato sauce and I wanted to save the shirt) and sweet Brenna. Even though she is not on any food yet, Brenna loves to sit in the high chair and join us for dinner. A couple more months and she will be eating with us.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

4 Month Check-Up

Brenna had her 4-month check-up yesterday. The doctor and nurses were impressed with how healthy and strong she is. She weighs a little over 16 lbs. She is 25 3/8 inches long. I told you she was getting long and big! She was such a good sport during the examination and kept laughing and giggling at the doctor. She almost rolled right out of his hands she was so squirmy. He definitely wasn't expecting to have such a wiggle worm on the examination table.

She screamed while getting her shots and was quite irritated that her fun day turned so miserable. When I picked her up right afterwards she screamed at me a few times to let me know how mad she was. She has done much better this time around with her shots than when she was two-months old. She has been laughing and giggling up a storm. No fever or excessive sleeping this time around. Other than a welt on her thigh from one of the shots, you would never know that she had them.

Next month she will start on cereal. It hardly seems possible that she is ready for regular food. She is very interested in us when we are eating so it will be interesting what her reaction will be when I turn the spoon towards her.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Black & White

I have always loved black and white photography. I think it is beautiful and powerful. I love to take pictures of the kids and than have them printed in black and white. My favorite subjects to photograph are babies. Their faces are so precious and black and white seems to capture their expressions in a way that color photos just can't do.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sunny September

These pictures are of Chloe and Aidan at a local creek. They spent Saturday with Nana and Poppa, giving Mom a much needed break! :-) They had so much fun! The weather here has been beautiful and warm recently and even though the leaves are changing it is still plenty warm enough for a dip in the creek.

Chloe was all over the place exploring and playing in the water. Aidan was a bit more cautious. He fell in the chilly water and wasn't too sure about the water after that!

My parents used to take my brother and I to this same creek when we were kids. We have a lot of great family memories there. I am so glad that my parents are keeping the family tradition alive and creating wonderful memories at the same place with our own kids.

Special thanks to Nana for taking pictures of the kids' adventures so I could share them with Daddy and everyone else.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Brand New Toy!

Okay, so it is not a 'brand' new toy, Aidan loved this bouncer. Now it is Brenna's turn! I got this thing out of the attic, cleaned it up and put it back together (not a super easy task). Brenna loves it. She plays with all the toys and coos and giggles the whole time. She is quite the talker and loves it when Chloe and Aidan take a break from their play to visit with her. She is also getting quite opinionated. Just the other day Aidan jumped onto the bed while I was feeding her. She was not happy to have her meal interrupted. She stopped sucking, screamed a few baby insults at Aidan and resumed eating. It was hilarious. She is getting so big! I cannot get over how long she is! She also loves to smile--when she is not teething. She is fitting into the Webster clan just right!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sibling Love

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Grade!

Chloe had her first day of First Grade today! Can you believe it? She was so excited, she couldn't wait until it was time to head to class. She had her backpack ready to go the night before and picked out her favorite outfit during her fashion show the other night. She had Elementary Theatre class and sign language (yes both taught by Mom) today. She had so much fun! She has other classes on Friday. We've been doing school work all summer so we can't say it is her first day of school but it was her first day of classes.

Chloe is generally a very bubbly, social butterfly but today she was very shy and a little intimidated by new friends, classes and experiences. As she gets older she is starting to notice a difference between her and other kids. Especially at school. For that reason I am glad we homeschool her. She is around a lot of older Elementary School kids who treat her very nice even if they don't always understand what she is saying. Plus I think having Mom around helps when she needs an interpreter. There are times she just starts tearing up because no one understands her, so I am glad I can be around to help her when she needs it. Although I must admit those moments are rare and far between and they do make Mom tear up a bit too. But for the most part she does very well on her own and works hard to be understood. She was slower to jump right in today but she started to warm up and make new friends.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fashion Diva In the Making!

School starts this week for Chloe. FIRST GRADE!!! Can you believe it? She is growing up before our eyes. She is also becoming quite the fashion diva. She definitely has her own sense of style. She got to try on her new school clothes last night and do an impromptu fashion show. As you can imagine she had a great time and can't wait to wear her new clothes to school.

Beautiful Smiles

Who could resist such gorgeous smiles? Aren't they great? Aidan was holding Brenna the other day (which doesn't happen very often). She was actually in a good mood and it was fairly easy to get her to smile. It sure is infectious isn't it?