Tuesday, September 16, 2008

4 Month Check-Up

Brenna had her 4-month check-up yesterday. The doctor and nurses were impressed with how healthy and strong she is. She weighs a little over 16 lbs. She is 25 3/8 inches long. I told you she was getting long and big! She was such a good sport during the examination and kept laughing and giggling at the doctor. She almost rolled right out of his hands she was so squirmy. He definitely wasn't expecting to have such a wiggle worm on the examination table.

She screamed while getting her shots and was quite irritated that her fun day turned so miserable. When I picked her up right afterwards she screamed at me a few times to let me know how mad she was. She has done much better this time around with her shots than when she was two-months old. She has been laughing and giggling up a storm. No fever or excessive sleeping this time around. Other than a welt on her thigh from one of the shots, you would never know that she had them.

Next month she will start on cereal. It hardly seems possible that she is ready for regular food. She is very interested in us when we are eating so it will be interesting what her reaction will be when I turn the spoon towards her.

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