Saturday, August 18, 2007

Way TOO MUCH Stuff!

It amazes me how much stuff we accumulate over the years. We have only lived in our house for 3.5 years and there are times when it feels way too small, because of all of our stuff. Since Matt is now on leave, we are tackling our "Honey do" list with a vengence. The gutters and roof have been cleaned. We have been steadily cleaning the office all week and it is almost there . . . well, it was almost there.

Today we tackled the attic. Yikes. Everything is still covered with white powder from the texturing we did to the office walls. So now comes the joy of going through all the crap and cleaning it up for our yard sale next weekend. I didn't think it would be a very big yard sale but I may be wrong. We have a bigger pile of stuff in the living room for the sale. Our attic has never been this empty, which Matt is loving. We are trying to only put things that are in bins up there to make finding things easier to find later.

Okay, enough blogging back to cleaning, organizing and purging.

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