Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bailey's New Do

We are down to one dog now--our Cocker Spaniel, Bailey. She got a much needed haircut and bath today. The pile of hair under the table was HUGE. She used to look like a giant blonde mop. Now she looks a bit more like a beagle rather than a cocker but that will change as her hair grows out. She smells so much better and feels much better, I am sure. Since she is all clean we let her in the house today and she is so happy to be inside she can hardly sit still.

Bailey is so sweet and great with the kids. She let's Aidan beat on her and she just stands still until he is done than she walks away. Chloe and Bailey have always had a special relationship and have played great together. Bailey and Felix get along too! They just sniff one another and than move on. Silver on the other hand is not impressed with Bailey. As I am writing this, Bailey is sitting contentedly at my feet and Silver is hiding under the futon growling and hissing furiously. It is almost funny. Oh, well. Silver is just going to have to get used to the dog. Bailey was here first.

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