Saturday, August 4, 2007

What a Party Animal!

We celebrated Aidan's first birthday today in grand style. We had a marvelous BBQ at Nana and Poppa's house. The weather and company were perfect, making a fun day for everyone. Nana, Poppa, Chloe, Mom and Dad, Uncle Michael, Aunt Kim and Gerry, both Cox families, and the Jungs were there to celebrate with us. We had a dining fly set up for shade and plenty of seats for everyone.

Aidan and the other kids made bubbles and played in the sprinkler. This was Aidan's first time playing in the sprinkler and he absolutely loved it. Even when the water sprayed him right in the face he couldn't get enough of all the fun. He was out there in his swim trunks, shirt and water shoes, screaming and squealing with excitement. Only when he was too cold to stand up did he finally get out. Aidan is now walking all over the place and he got plenty of practice walking to everyone all afternoon. We had a delicious late lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, fruit, crackers and chips. Plus plenty of cool drinks to keep everyone going.

Aidan dug into his presents where he received a load of clothes (perfect for our growing boy) and his favorite: cars and trucks. He got the beginner series of tonka toys (they are soft rubber with no little parts, perfect for little mouths). He also got the little people dinosaur set which he loves. He is just now beginning to appreciate the ENTIRE closet full of Little People in his room. He had a monkey cake (perfect for our little monkey). He couldn't wait to dig in. There was no hesitation on his part when we put his piece of cake in front of him. He went for that frosting with both hands. He was covered in frosting by the time he was done (he even had a glob behind his ear). So he went in for a quick bath.

After the rest of our guests left and things quieted down a bit, the Websters and Sousas ate a great spare rib dinner and than stayed up and watched Cars. The best part was that we watched it outside with Poppa's new projector screen. It was just like the drive-in, without the cars. The birthday boy didn't make it very long before he was out. Chloe made it through the movie but crashed on the drive home. It was a great day full of fun! Thank you to everyone who helped make Aidan's first birthday so memorable.

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