Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Airports, Need I Say More?

As you all know from Matt's post (his first venture into the blogging world that we all love), he is home safe and sound. He flew in to Sea-Tac Tuesday night, which is the day I teach, so you can all imagine how exhausted I was by the time we made it down there. So here is a quick recap of our trip to the airport...

Forgot stuff at home, so instead of leaving right after school like I wanted to do, I picked up the kids and ran home. Once I was home, Becca called, I left Brenna's blanket there. Her favorite blanket. The one that helps her sleep. Had to get it. Finally on our way out of town, realized I forgot something else. Back to the house. ARRRRGGHH! Grab what I need. Stop to feed Brenna real quick. Finally out the door. Matt calls while we are on the run. Flight is delayed--Hallelujah! We won't be late.

Praise God! Traffic was an absolute breeze (even though it was rush hour) and we made it to Sea-Tac in 2 hours. Those of you that live here understand what a miracle that is! It is pitch black in Tukwilla (Sea-Tac) and I think I am lost (I realized later I wasn't) and turn around not finding the hotel. Decide to do some quick shopping. Aidan falls head first out of the cart onto the HARD linoleum floor. He screamed for a quite a while and is lucky that he didn't crack his head open. He did manage to make Mom's heart skip a few beats.

Get turned around trying to get away from the mall and head to the airport, finally figure it out. There is so much construction down there that nothing looked the same. Drove the Land Yacht into a parking garage for the first time. Yikes! I parked into the first parking spot I find. Drag all the kids out of the car and load them into the stroller and baby carrier (which is as crazy as it sounds). Haul but to the ticket counter for Matt's airline.

Check the board and Matt's flight is now twenty minutes early. Yikes! Now we only have thirty minutes to get passes, go through security, take the train to his gate--all with three cranky kids in tow. We ran to each checkpoint. We made it to the gate with five minutes to spare. How's that for hauling butt?

This is not my usual blogging style. My grammar teacher would be appalled. But I don't care. I am sooooo tired!! So I leave you with some pictures of the kids waiting and finally seeing dad at the airport. I will post some pictures of our day today tomorrow. Right now all I want is to go to bed.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Welcome Home!!!!! God Bless your family. The Flippens