Saturday, January 17, 2009

Christmas With Daddy!

When we came home from our trip the kids were excited to find a pile a presents under our tree. Yes the tree is still up. I was informed by the six year old that it couldn't come down until Daddy came home. They were so excited!

Aidan got another train set, a bigger one that is a remote control train. Plus some new clothes, a semi-truck to hold his hot wheels and a giant dump truck with a bunch of little tractors to go with it. Brenna got her very first doll stroller (made for 9 month olds), her first "tea" party set, her first "cell phone and car keys" and some new clothes (needed clothes since she has just about outgrown everything in her dresser). Chloe got a Hannah Montana Disney Mix Stix which she loved!! She has enjoyed listening to her own music with her headphones just like Mommy. She also got a large stamp set, so she can stamp with Mom and use her own stuff. She got a Cuttlekid die cut machine (she loves to use Mommy's Big Shot but some of the dies can be sharp if not handled properly so I thought she'd be better off with a friendlier kid version). Daddy got a book on how to be mature =), Turtles (his favorite candy) and a Kung Fu Panda DVD. Mommy got all ten seasons of Friends (once Matt's gorilla boxes arrived through USPS).

We spent the rest of the night relaxing and just enjoying family!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

It must have felt good to be able to finally take down the tree :) Good thing you set up that date change with Santa!!!!