Friday, July 20, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

What a week! We have been incredibly busy this week. I received my final paycheck for the school which went almost completely to a new set of tires for my car. My old tires were so bad that I was afraid to drive in the rain. Not really an option since we live in the Pacific Northwest. Because of the odd size of tires that my car needs they were way more expensive than I thought they would be. But a huge blessing was that I do not need new brakes (another expense I was dreading), mine were just dirty but are perfectly fine. Whew! I so excited to hear that. So now we are out and about driving in the rain with no hesitation. The new tires are fabulous and my car handles better than ever.

It has been raining pretty steadily all week. I am so grateful for my tires. Chloe has a case of cabin fever since it is too wet to play outside. It wasn't even suppose to rain today but it did. Hopefully it will dry out next week so the lawn (well all the dandelions) can be mowed. I have been trying to keep both kids busy as we are stuck inside. Chloe has been working hard on her new Kindergarten workbook and loves doing schoolwork. Aidan is steadily getting braver on his feet and will be walking full time in no time. We have only made it to the pool and beach once this year which is usually unheard of this time of year. I hope to get the kids back outside next week.

Chloe received an egg of silly putty on Sunday at church, no big deal. She has been having a blast with it all week. She's has been making sure to put it away and keep it out of Aidan's reach. Apparently she has fallen so in love with the silly putty she was playing with it in bed last night. She must of snuck it into bed after I tucked her in because there was no silly putty in her bed when I kissed her good night. As you can imagine she woke up this morning with a head FULL of silly putty. Just so any of you know for future reference, all the tricks that we use to get gum out of hair, DO NOT WORK ON SILLY PUTTY. Ice just makes the putty stickier. So I had to tediously comb out her hair. For those of you who know how much Chloe loves having her hair brushed you can imagine what a screaming episode that was. Once the majority of it was out (almost 40minutes later) I lathered her hair up with canola oil, let it sit and than washed it out. She still has some of the putty residue in her hair and will for a while but at least hte worse of it is over. What a nightmare!

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