Saturday, July 14, 2007

1 Year Old Today!!

One year ago today I was so excited that I was finally done being pregnant and holding my precious little, well not so little, boy in my arms. Today I look at the bubbly, vivacious, mischievious, wonderful boy that he has become and I am so grateful to God for such an incredible blessing my "fiery, gift from God"*** is. (***That is what Aidan Matthew Arren means). While I cannot wait to see what the next year's growth will mean to Aidan, I plan on enjoying each and every moment. Matt missed Aidan's birthday due to the military once again, but I know that his heart was with us all day.

Okay enough sappy, sentimental stuff from Mom. How did we spend Aidan's first birthday? At the zoo of course. We had so much fun! Aunt Kim, Uncle Randy and Cousin Levi drove up from Portland to spend the day with Chloe, Aidan, Nana and I. Aidan is very comfortable in his stroller and was content to roll around and take everything in. He is still very easily overwhelmed and I am sure that all of the crowds, noises and animals was a bit overstimulating. He was a trouper and took it all in stride. He also spent some time practicing his walking skills, he is not quite ready to just take off yet (personally I am praying that he will wait until Daddy is home) but he has started taking a few hesitant steps on his own. He loved the butterfly house and couldn't get enough of the beautiful creations flitting by. Chloe was a bundle of endless energy, as usual. She was here, there and everywhere. She loves animals and especially loved the monkeys, jaguar, and the bears. Chloe had so much fun and enjoyed playing with her cousin Levi and Aunt and Uncle.

On our way home we stopped at Red Robin for dinner. Aidan got a bunch of balloons and he got a huge kick out of everyone singing for him. Chloe and him enjoyed his birthday sundae. All in all it was a very long day. The kids are absolutely exhausted and were asleep even before their heads hit the beds. Aidan won't remember this day but the rest of us have precious memories we can share with him as he gets older.


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