Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Beating the Heat

For those of you who don't live nearby, we have been experiencing a heat wave. You know that it is hot when the nice ocean breezes that usually keep us cool and fresh, were blowing hot air today. I went on a walk today, I am trying to get back on schedule from the holiday last week and helping out Lisa. Becca and I decided that it was just too hot to walk in the heat around the track. So we took the trail that goes by the water and through a park, it is nice and shaded for about half of it and we really appreciated it today. It is a beautiful trail, a bit of a challenge for my ankle which was pretty swollen by the time I got home. We made it all the way to the end and back to the track, I don't know how far it is but it was almost 6,000 steps on my pedometer.

Chloe has been in Vacation Bible School all week at our church. It has been a welcome break for both of us--her from boredom and me a bit of relaxation. She has been playing with old friends and making lots of new ones. She is busy singing, making great crafts and playing games. She can tell me what her Bible lesson is each day also thanks to Jenny's excellent teaching. After VBS was over at 3pm we went straight over to our City Park to the outdoor kiddie pool. Ahhh, sweet relief. Even Mom got into a swimsuit and got in just to cool off.

Chloe loves the water and had a blast. One of her friends from school was there and a friend from her dance class. She was splashing anyone and everyone. Going under by herself. Playing with her water wings and just having fun. Aidan was so excited that he could barely sit still long enough for me to finish blowing up his toy. All that water! This was his first time in a pool and he had so much fun. He was squealing and laughing. He didn't even mind it when he got splashed in the face by other kids. He soon figured out that he could walk in the water using the inflatable toy as balance. Once he figured that out he was off.

It was such a nice afternoon spent with the kids. If the weather holds we may even go tomorrow!

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