Tuesday, March 24, 2009

OUR New Toy!

Our well-loved and abused digital camera, has been dying a long, slow death. It still works but it takes 30-60 seconds to take a picture which may not seem like a long amount of time. But those of you with kids know that 30-60 seconds is enough time for the kid to stop doing whatever cute thing they were doing in the first place. So you can imagine my frustration with my camera. I have lost out on many cute pictures while waiting for my camera to stop thinking. So we invested (and I do mean it is an investment) on a state of the art, high tech, digital SLR (single lens reflex) camera. We got a great deal on the camera, two lenses and other accessories.

I have a film SLR which went the way of the dinosaur once digital cameras came into the picture. I used to do photography in high school for our yearbook. I also took pictures at a few weddings to earn some extra money in high school. I have always loved photography, but once we got a digital camera I never took my dinosaur =) out again. So now I am re-learning about aperture, shutter speeds, and all the other bells and whistles that come with the new camera. Here are a few pictures I took while playing....

I will be adding lots more pictures of our adventures in the coming days.

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