Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our Little Brownie!

I am so proud of Chloe! She is getting to the age where she is beginning to realize that she doesn't sound like everyone else. This has been extremely difficult for our little social bug. Her self-esteem has been hit hard this year by some very cruel children and adults. Her heart is so tender and sweet and she just doesn't understand why anyone would be that mean to her. As her Mom, it breaks my heart and I must admit I have shed just as many tears over how she has been treated by her peers and adults, who should know better.

Tonight we had our first site sale of the Girl Scout Cookies season at a local grocery store. I must admit I was dreading it, not just because standing in the cold for an hour trying to peddle a $4 dollar box of cookies is not fun, but I was worried about Chloe. She tries so hard to communicate and sometimes people treat her like dirt just because they won't take the time to understand her. So we've been practicing what to say all week at her cookie sales. We didn't need to practice at all!

Chloe, even though she was excited, spoke slowly and as clearly as she could as she asked people if they wanted to buy a box of cookies. She was polite and very well-mannered and quite the sales person. Chloe was a charming little brownie and her little brownie pal was just as fun. Those two managed to sell every box of cookies we had brought with us. That's right all 32 boxes were gone in less than forty minutes!

I am so proud of Chloe (can't say it enough)! She didn't let her fear of being hurt or rejected just because of her speech slow her down. She worked hard and it paid off! Now we only have to sell 16 more boxes for her to get the prize she wants! Woohoo!


Toni said...

I understand about your kiddos coming to the age of self-awareness! It can be hard to watch, but nonetheless, learning to stand up for oneself is a necessary skill for them. Kaia usually does the standing up for Jaelyn:) Just this weekend we were at the Children's Museum and Jaelyn had a "stalker," a child who was obsessed with staring at her arm and wanting to touch it. She didn't get the message despite Jaelyn ignoring her, Kaia telling her that was "how God made her," and I finally had to intervene. Those times when Jaelyn doesn't speak up, I usually give her a little pep talk when it's over.

Lisa said...

YEA Chloe!!!!!!! I am so proud of you. May I buy a box of your cookies :) Love you!