Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our Great Train Adventure - Part 3

On the train at last!! Yippee! We finally got onto the train at 7:00PM to Matt and my great relief. We were ushered into our Family Bedroom by our car steward (yep, that's right, one of the advantages to First Class on the train). Our room was small (like a larger walk-in closet), but at least we have space to move around and call our own. We dumped our gear and ran upstairs to the dining car for dinner. It was great and the views were even better. (Of course I didn't have the camera with me =P but hopefully I can get some more of the views on the way home). After dinner we settled into our room and watched Bolt. Than it was off to dreamland with the choo choo lulling us to sleep.

Here is us in the morning....

This is the gorgeous view we woke up to in Montana's Glacier National Park. It was amazing. Even more amazing is the fact that I got these pictures through the window of a moving train. It was such a relaxing way to wake up and enjoy God's beautiful creation.

We had fun on the train exploring and playing. We had fun playing and having much needed family time in our little room. Brenna was able to crawl around a little bit which was nice. Aidan played with his cars and bugged his sisters (his favorite past-time). Chloe enjoyed coloring and doing homework at the little tables (well, maybe not the homework so much).

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Smile Chloe!!! Love you guys!