Friday, March 6, 2009

Brenna's Doctor Visit

Today Brenna had her 9-month check-up (well actually her 10 month check up, since it took a month to get the appointment). It went very well, the doctor said she was very healthy and active. He was impressed with all her teeth (especially after she bit him =). He was also impressed by her use of her vocal cords (she was screaming just for fun) and her volume. She weighs 19lbs, 2 oz, which means she hasn't really gained any weight from her last check-up. The doctor wasn't concerned though since she is now 28 3/8" long. So she seems to be getting taller and slimming down which is exactly what Aidan and Chloe did at this age. Seeing how active she is, he also said that was a factor as well. Duh! I could of told him that--she never sits still.

Brenna is trying so hard to keep up with her brother and sister. She is a pretty fast crawler and is getting more and more into cruising furniture with each day. She loves the squeaky shoes her Aunt Lisa bought her in China. They are the only shoes she wants to where anymore. If she has on shoes that don't squeak she will sit down and yank them off. We ordered her a few more pairs off of Ebay so she should love that. She loves to have us walk her around the house just so she can hear her shoes squeak with every step she takes.

On a side note: Brenna had Aidan in a headlock earlier at school. No worries about her not being able to defend herself. =)

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