Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's That Time of Year Again!

It's that time of year again--cold & flu season! I love fall, all the changing leaves, cool, crisp weather but with that comes the viruses. Yuck! I was up all night with Brenna, who couldn't sleep laying flat on her back, and Aidan, who was coughing so bad he actually threw up. Having both kids in our full-sized bed was an adventure to say the least. Mom managed about four hours of sleep between nursing, keeping the humidifier going and rubbing Vicks on Aidan between bouts of coughing.

Both kids were feeling great yesterday although Aidan had the occasional runny nose. Than at about 2AM both woke up miserable. They are still stuffed up and coughing this morning but seem to be doing a little better. Chloe has managed to avoid the cold so far but it is just a matter of time before she gets it as well, she had a headache off and on yesterday. So please pray for us as we fight our way past the first major cold of the season.

1 comment:

Michelle said...


Both kids seem to be over the worst of the cold finally but we will still take it easy this weekend! Chloe is coughing now so I think it will hit her this weekend. Mom is still hoping and praying it will miss her completely!