Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pillowcases for Daddy

The kids are coloring pillow cases for Daddy. They had a blast. Chloe drew a picture of our family that was very sweet. Although I don't think I have purple hair... Aidan was so excited to be allowed to scribble away. I am trying to teach him his colors. He can say blue, red, yellow and green although he can't put the words together with the colors yet. They had a great time and enjoyed packing Daddy's box with goodies!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Just so you know, Aidan's hair looks so greasy because it is covered with Desitin. He climbed onto his dresser, got the Desitin, squirted it onto Chloe's hairbrush and than brushed his hair with it. Nice, huh? Three scrubbings later and I still couldn't get it all out. It has taken three days and three baths to finally get all of the residue out of his hair.