Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Day At the Zoo

Today was a wonderful day at the zoo, enjoying family, all the animals and Aidan's second birthday. Going to the zoo for his birthday is becoming quite a tradition. This year we drove down to Woodland Park Zoo with Nana and Poppa. We met Uncle Randy and Aunt Kim there. It was so much fun to see them. We didn't tell the kids that their aunt and uncle would be there so it was quite a surprise for them. It was a gorgeous, hot summer day and not that crowded at the zoo which is unusual for a summer Saturday.

We saw so many animals--2 Lions, a tiger, bears, salmon, flamingos, giraffes, zebras, monkeys, and so much more!! Aidan was in heaven and was on the move constantly. He didn't quite understand what looking at all the animals was about but he was very excited to see them. He really liked the brown bears as they moved around their mountain home and sat in the water to cool off. Chloe wanted to see it all we had to keep telling her to slow down that she wouldn't miss anything. She even got to pet a huge centipede. She also enjoyed having a bunch of adults around to spoil her rotten. Both of them had a great time and wore themselves completely out by the time we left.

Poor Brenna was still fighting the effects of her vaccinations from Friday. She slept through most of the day although she did perk up a bit in the early evening. She had a slight fever and her cold was making her miserable (I think the vaccinations made her cold worse). Her stomach was also giving her fits and causing her to spit up quite a bit after eating. So her first trip to the zoo was less than exciting but there is always next year.

On our way home we stopped at Red Robin and had delicious hambugers. Aidan got a special birthday sundae which he graciously shared with his sister (I think he was too tired to care about sharing his ice cream). It was a long day full of too much sun, lots of memories and fun but we are all ready for bed.

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