Friday, July 11, 2008

Brenna Update

Today was Brenna's 2 month check-up. It is hard to believe that she is already that old!! Not that two months is old. :-) She is now 13lbs, 2.9oz; which puts her in the 90 percentile for her weight. She is 23 and 1/4 inches long; which puts her at the 70-90th percentile for her length. The doctor was impressed with how big and healthy she is. He said her belly button looks fine even though it is a HUGE outie. Since it is so soft and pliable he thinks it should go down by the time she is a year old. He did prescribe Zantac for her stomach issues. She is doing better at burping and is not quite as gassy as she has been but she is still spitting up quite a bit. So hopefully the medicine will help. Aidan has his two-year check-up next week. I will bring Brenna with me and let the pediatrician know how the medicine is working.

Brenna is starting to laugh and smile more often. Her best times are first thing in the morning. She is so happy. She is very ticklish and doesn't like her feet tickled. She is holding her head up very well (which is not surprising considering how big she is). She is starting to try to roll onto her side from her back. She is starting to become her own little person. It is fun to see her personality develop and grow.

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