Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Birth Day Brenna!!

What a whirlwind the past 3 days have been! The past nine months of pain, discomfort, frustration and sickness have finally come to an end. As I write this I can't help but look next to me at the adorable bundle of love that made me so miserable for so long. :-) Isn't motherhood a beautiful thing? I am truly blessed this Mother's Day, not only by a new addition to our family but by an incredible husband and two other adorable children (well, adorable when they want to be).

As you know we were scheduled to be induced on Friday May 9th, although we were hoping I would go into labor sooner. No such luck. So we had everything planned and in place for a long induced labor on Friday. Well that was the part of the plan that changed. Yes we did have Brenna on Friday, May 9th but I was not induced, apparently she did not want to endure labor all day. I woke up at 4:30am on Friday to go to the bathroom and as I stood up I had a contraction. Not a huge deal. The next one was 40 minutes later. So I just figured that I would go to be induced and my body would already have things started. I called the hospital at 6am to see if they had a bed ready for us. No such luck, I was told to call back at 7:30am since they were very busy. Okay, no big deal. By 6:30 my contractions jumped from being every 40-30 minutes apart to less than 15 minutes apart. I jumped into the shower and when Lisa got to the house at 6:45am I was in full-blown labor. By the time we called the hospital again right before 7:00am they were suddenly 6 minutes apart. So much for a long, drawn out labor.

Matt drove like a madman to get to the hospital (it would of been funny if I hadn't been the one in labor). Although cutting past the line at the base gate because I was in labor was kind of fun. Lisa, Matt and I got to the hospital and were taken to a birthing suite. By at 7:30am I was in the bed demanding drugs and my contractions were now about 3 minutes apart. The nurses took their sweet time getting an IV in and hooking me up to the heart monitors, etc. I think they gave my pain meds just to humor me. They really didn't think I was ready to deliver at any minute. Lisa kept trying to warn them that my last labor was very quick but they still dawdled. At about 8:00am the nurse decided to check me. Much to her surprise I was almost ready to begin pushing. Duh!

So they quickly called in another doctor (mine was in the middle of a C-section) to come in and deliver Brenna. Before I knew it, it was time to push. I don't know if it was the pain medication in my IV (which had stopped working by now) or the numbing shots I received, but I didn't have any desire to push. Weird I know but that is how it was. 10 minutes of pushing and out came our beautiful baby girl. Matt did incredible and barely said anything throughout the entire process, I think he was a bit out of his element but just having him there to hold my hand was priceless. He got to cut Brenna's umbilical cord which did gross him out a bit.

Brenna Nicole Grace Webster was born on May 9th at 8:22am. She was 9lbs 7.5 oz and 22 inches long. She came out screaming! Her head was perfectly round (the nurses kept commenting that she looked like she had been delivered by C-Section not naturally). Her face was pretty swollen and she was a bit purple in places from bruises but other than that she is so adorable! She looks like a cookie cutter of Aidan and Chloe. I will add more pictures and information later. Right now I am going to finish my lunch and join Brenna for a nap!


Tamara said...

She is beautiful. Congratulations to the entire family. What a precious gift. God Bless, Tamara

debparlee said...

WOW! She is one big, beautiful baby! Good job you guys! I can't wait to meet her! Love, Cousin Debbie