Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Birth Day Brenna 3

Aunt Lisa left soon after Brenna was born to take care of some school business but not after "oohing" and "aahing" over her new goddaughter. Later in the afternoon Matt went to go pick up my Aunt Kim, Uncle Randy, Chloe and Aidan who were at Nana and Poppa's house for the afternoon (Nana and Poppa were still on vacation). Chloe was so excited to finally meet her new little sister. Although her excitement wore off once she realized that Brenna wasn't able to get up and play dolls right away. Aidan was excited to see the "aby" but didn't make any connection to her being his sister. Although he did try to burp her a bit forcefully when Matt was and he kept telling her "hi". We didn't get a picture of Aidan holding or sitting next to his new little sister but we did get one of Chloe holding Brenna.

Matt went home with Aunt Kim, Uncle Randy and the kids for dinner and to get some things for the night. Brenna and I used the quiet to nap. Well, I tried to nap but between doctors, nurses and beeping machines it wasn't very easy. Matt came back to the hospital at 8pm or so. We were fortunate and did not have to check out of the birthing suite that night due to the fact that all the patient rooms were full. So we took advantage of the large room and watched movies, cuddled with Brenna and just enjoyed time spent with the three of us. Matt headed back home Saturday around 11am to take on kid duty for the rest of the weekend. My Aunt Kim and Uncle Randy headed home to Portland. It was so nice to have someone to take care of the kids and they loved every minute of all the spoiling they received. I was still very sore but doing much better (especially after a shower) and looked forward to spending the rest of the day resting as much as possible before heading home.

Much to our disappointment, Brenna could not be released from the hospital Saturday. I am a strep B carrier and because she came out so fast there was not enough time to get antibiotics into my blood stream to protect her during labor. Strep B can cause breathing problems and pneumonia in newborns. Because of that she had to stay in the hospital 48 hours to make sure that she did not have strep B. I was doing better so to get me off the nurse's hands my doctor discharged me late Saturday afternoon but I was allowed to stay with Brenna until she was discharged. This way I didn't have to worry about being woken up every 3-4 hours to have my vitals taken. Yeah!!

Here are some pictures I took of Brenna on Saturday....

Brenna's test results came back fine early Sunday morning (Mother's Day) so we were able to go home! Matt and the kids came to the hospital at 9am and we headed home. We even made it to the second service at church. I even had the opportunity (albeit a very surprised one) to introduce her at the service. So now we are at home and resting. Chloe is doing all right with the changes going on. Aidan on the other hand is close to pushing both of us over the edge. The joys of parenthood! I will post more pictures over the week! Thank you for all your prayers and support!

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