Monday, May 12, 2008

3 Days old & Still Gorgeous

Well, Brenna has been home for a day and a half and it has been an adventure to say the least. We were released early in the morning on Mother's Day (a great Mother's Day gift for Mommy, who was going stir crazy in the hospital) with a clean bill of health. Since we were all up and dressed early we decided to go ahead and go to church. Much to our surprise, someone told our Pastor's wife that there was a baby who was 2 days old at the service. So we got to stand up and introduce our little girl to her church family. Going to church was nice because it helped break up the day a bit for the other two kids.

Chloe and Aidan are adjusting to life with the baby albeit it is a rocky adjustment at times. Chloe has been a bit mouthy and has had a bit of an attitude, which is how she reacted to Aidan's birth so it was expected. Chloe is still excited about Brenna and is trying to be helpful. Aidan has been a handful but not anymore than usual. Although Sunday afternoon he decided he was NOT going to take a nap. So he stripped of his pants and diapers and peed in his crib instead. AHHHGG!! He is doing well with Brenna although we have to watch him very carefully to make sure that he is gentle with her.

I am slowly recovering. I have been pretty stiff and sore the past two days. Chasing Aidan does not help at all. I was doing good this morning until he threw a fit and had to be picked up and carried to the car. Not easy to do with the infant carrier and a rather heavy 22 month old! I have been catching naps when I can and trying to rest as much as possible. The kids have been good about leaving Brenna and I alone for the most part but it does mean that Matt is kept busy keeping up with them. He is just as tired as I am.

Brenna is doing well. She is still sleeping quite a bit and it is quite an undertaking to get her to wake up and eat. She is eating very well and makes sure she is completely full before she goes to sleep. She also has a bit of a temper if she doesn't get held when she wants and how she wants. She despises having her diaper changed and getting dressed is not pleasant either. But when she is fully awake and her beautiful eyes are open taking in her new world she is so adorable. She loves to look around and to have you talk to her. She actually gets mad if you are holding her and not saying anything. She has been such a wonderful addition to our family.

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