Saturday, June 16, 2007

Preschool Graduation!

Chloe finished up a great year at school and loved every minute of it. May 31st was her last day of school, but Chloe was not ready for it to be over. She got to ride the bus like a big girl almost every day. She went go swimming with all of her friends and teachers. She learned to write her name by herself without any help. Her art has grown in leaps and bounds (drawing different kinds of monsters is still her favorite though). She made so many new friends and has even learned some Spanish from one of them. Chloe's speech has improved quite a bit this year. We still have a long way to go but that's okay. We are getting there. She is finding communitation much easier. Although she does still resort to screaming and crying at times. Each day is a work in progress.

For her graduation party, she got to play the bells in a song in front of all the parents. She got a memory book full of pictures and her schoolwork from the year. She also got a book about a local farm that was signed by the author. She is very excited about kindergarten in the fall. Even though she doesn't quite understand what it is all about.

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