Sunday, June 24, 2007

Not Much Going On

Not much going on this week. We've been busy taking care of little things around the house. Chloe got busy and her room is now clean (with the exception of vacuuming and a few other things) and I was busy cleaning Aidan's room this week. We bought Chloe a new dresser, it is a sleigh style (exactly like Aidan's except that hers is white not a cherry finish) so we were finally able to get rid of the cheap dressers I bought her years ago. Her room looks so grown up now with it in place. Her huge picket fence bed (that Matt and I made her) doesn't look so monsterous anymore now that the dresser is the same height. I picked up a vanity table for $5.00 at a garage sale a few months back. So this week, if the weather can get over its mood swings, I plan on sanding it down so I can paint it white, to match the dresser. Than she will have a room fit for a princess.

The picture is just to appease the masses who get upset if I post something without a picture. I hope you are satisfied.

1 comment:

Auntie Kim Huston said...

Sorry I missed your call this weekend, Naps are important on the weekend. I will try to call this week. Nothing new here same old, Randy has a sllep study test set for the 4th.

Love and miss you