Sunday, February 15, 2009

Shopping Overload

Is shopping overload even possible? I never thought so before today. Than I went to IKEA. Wow.

There is so much to see that it is completely overwhelming. I have never been there before today but I love to look at their website and catalog for ideas. I started taking pictures of all of the showrooms because there were so many ideas. With a family of five in a 1600 square foot house, organization is very important. Not that we've managed to get very organized...but we are trying to look at our house and see how organized we can get.

Here are some pictures of us shopping at Ikea--the kids, Nana, Poppa, and my Aunt Kim (whom we are in Portland, OR, visiting). There aren't very many of Aidan because our little man had a massive, full-blown, epic-scale temper tantrum right in the middle of Ikea. So he spent half of the trip sitting in the Land Yacht with Poppa. Which was not fun. The rest of us had a blast though.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IKEA!!!! Swedish meatballs rock! Oh and don't forget the Swedish fish.
