Friday, February 6, 2009

Gum & Hair, Enough Said

Gum and walking can be dangerous. Just ask Chloe. Her gum fell out of her mouth and you guessed it, right into her hair. Not a little piece either. Which brought out tears and embarrassment in our drama queen. So here is our evening:

#1: We tried ice in a bag that she held onto the gum stuck in her hair. I managed to get a large chunk out of her hair with that method. After a while she forgot to keep it on her hair so the gum went back to gooey status. Than she held the bag upside down effectively dousing herself with ice cold water. Which gave us a good laugh but was not really effective.

#2: After calling around, it was suggested by Poppa that we use Vaseline. So we lathered her up. After about twenty minutes I managed to work out another big chunk leaving just bits and pieces and some really nasty hair. The Vaseline would not get the little bits out of her hair.

#3: We went to Peanut Butter, which my dear Facebook buddy Molly suggested. I have heard it works to get gum out of hair but have never actually tried it. Chloe was not so willing to try the peanut butter. But after some coaxing and insisting I finally managed to get it into her hair. She was not impressed as you can tell by her picture. =)

I don't recommend peanut butter. At all. It just made a horrible mess and clumped her hair together worse than the gum did. Should of stuck with the Vaseline. We got most of it out but her hair will never be the same. Even after a good shampoo and conditioner session there is still some gum residue which may be there for a day or two.

Needless to say, Chloe won't be having gum again any time soon.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

We will have to schedule a haircut this week for that sweet little thing :)