Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tree Attempts

The past few days have been full of: Dragging all the boxes out of the attic (especially the 60+ lb tree) all by myself (I am still taking advil after that little stunt). Checking all the Christmas lights (which worked great last year but NOT this year). Standing on furniture and stools trying to hang garland and ornaments. Tripping over bags and boxes of decorations because the kids can't wait for me to get to the next project yet. I am sure you are all nodding your heads with me because you are in this process too or are lucky enough to be done with it...

Normally it takes about 2-3 hours to get Christmas up in our house. This year try 2-3 days--And we still aren't finished yet! Hopefully tonight we can get it up. I will send pictures once we get it all up and pretty! But here are some pictures of the kids-trying to be helpful!

Brenna playing with the oversize ornaments that go in the windows.

This picture was taken after Aidan got in trouble for swinging the ornament over his head like a lasso (this is why 85% of all of our ornaments are plastic).

And here is Chloe showing me the ornament she finally managed to get untangled. (At least she was being helpful as always!).

Here are a few shots of Brenna and Aidan playing while I was untangling garland. Aidan has been struggling with sharing lately especially where Brenna is concerned. He definitely has the toddler motto down: "What's mine is MINE and what's yours is MINE!!" But he is trying! Brenna thinks it is hilarious when he gets mad and just starts to giggle.

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