Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pillowcases for Daddy

The kids are coloring pillow cases for Daddy. They had a blast. Chloe drew a picture of our family that was very sweet. Although I don't think I have purple hair... Aidan was so excited to be allowed to scribble away. I am trying to teach him his colors. He can say blue, red, yellow and green although he can't put the words together with the colors yet. They had a great time and enjoyed packing Daddy's box with goodies!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Big Brother!

This morning was so cute. Aidan crawled into bed with Brenna and made sure she didn't lose her pacifier. She was a bit fussy and clingy this morning. Aidan took such good care of her that I was able to get dressed and sort laundry.

On a separate note: Matt did arrive safely and is doing well!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Aidan's 2 Year Check-up

Aidan's Check-up went so smoothly everyone was impressed. Aidan completely cooperated and sat still while the doctor and nurses examined him, did vitals, etc. He is 26lbs, 10oz--so he really hasn't gained much weight since his 18 month check-up. He is 34+inches tall so he is almost at the three foot mark. The doctor was very impressed with how healthy he is and laughed when he saw Aidan's scraped knees. He commented on how Aidan is definitely a boy. Aidan had to get a Hepatitis A shot and he was a trooper. He didn't even cry and held perfectly still.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sidewalk Masterpieces

Aidan received lots of sidewalk chalk for his birthday. Both children were blissfully happy as they used our back patio as a canvas.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Aidan's 2nd Birthday Party

Today we had a small Birthday party for Aidan. Nothing too serious just a few close friends over for playtime, cake and ice cream. I don't think Aidan had a clue what was going on but he took it in stride. I think he was excited to have a bunch of friends over to play with. He had five friends over to play. They took over the playset, crammed into the playhouse, blew bubbles, practiced batting with the tee ball set and had a blast.

When it was time for cake Aidan knew exactly what to do. He couldn't wait for me to light the number 2 candle so he could blow it out. I had to hold him back so we could sing "Happy birthday" to him. He dug into his marble cake with gusto. He was so excited to get to his presents but he wanted to make sure that all of his friends were ready to watch. He got so many great presents--clothes, toy jackhammer, flashlights, hot wheels race track, camp chair, sidewalk chalk, a bug catching kit and more. He will be a busy boy over the next few days playing with all his new toys.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Day At the Zoo

Today was a wonderful day at the zoo, enjoying family, all the animals and Aidan's second birthday. Going to the zoo for his birthday is becoming quite a tradition. This year we drove down to Woodland Park Zoo with Nana and Poppa. We met Uncle Randy and Aunt Kim there. It was so much fun to see them. We didn't tell the kids that their aunt and uncle would be there so it was quite a surprise for them. It was a gorgeous, hot summer day and not that crowded at the zoo which is unusual for a summer Saturday.

We saw so many animals--2 Lions, a tiger, bears, salmon, flamingos, giraffes, zebras, monkeys, and so much more!! Aidan was in heaven and was on the move constantly. He didn't quite understand what looking at all the animals was about but he was very excited to see them. He really liked the brown bears as they moved around their mountain home and sat in the water to cool off. Chloe wanted to see it all we had to keep telling her to slow down that she wouldn't miss anything. She even got to pet a huge centipede. She also enjoyed having a bunch of adults around to spoil her rotten. Both of them had a great time and wore themselves completely out by the time we left.

Poor Brenna was still fighting the effects of her vaccinations from Friday. She slept through most of the day although she did perk up a bit in the early evening. She had a slight fever and her cold was making her miserable (I think the vaccinations made her cold worse). Her stomach was also giving her fits and causing her to spit up quite a bit after eating. So her first trip to the zoo was less than exciting but there is always next year.

On our way home we stopped at Red Robin and had delicious hambugers. Aidan got a special birthday sundae which he graciously shared with his sister (I think he was too tired to care about sharing his ice cream). It was a long day full of too much sun, lots of memories and fun but we are all ready for bed.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Brenna Update

Today was Brenna's 2 month check-up. It is hard to believe that she is already that old!! Not that two months is old. :-) She is now 13lbs, 2.9oz; which puts her in the 90 percentile for her weight. She is 23 and 1/4 inches long; which puts her at the 70-90th percentile for her length. The doctor was impressed with how big and healthy she is. He said her belly button looks fine even though it is a HUGE outie. Since it is so soft and pliable he thinks it should go down by the time she is a year old. He did prescribe Zantac for her stomach issues. She is doing better at burping and is not quite as gassy as she has been but she is still spitting up quite a bit. So hopefully the medicine will help. Aidan has his two-year check-up next week. I will bring Brenna with me and let the pediatrician know how the medicine is working.

Brenna is starting to laugh and smile more often. Her best times are first thing in the morning. She is so happy. She is very ticklish and doesn't like her feet tickled. She is holding her head up very well (which is not surprising considering how big she is). She is starting to try to roll onto her side from her back. She is starting to become her own little person. It is fun to see her personality develop and grow.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Independence Day!!

We have so many fun family traditions on the 4th of July. This year was special for two reasons. 1.) It was Brenna's first Independence day and 2.) Matt was actually able to spend this holiday with us (he is usually gone). Our fourth of July started with our town parade. This is such a fun time of community and seeing what our small town has to offer. As usual the kids couldn't wait to get down to the parade (I think that had more to do with the actual candy than any of the floats).

We sat with some good friends who are here visiting from Japan, Kenyon Blaine, her girls and her mom. It didn't take any time at all for the girls to hit it off once again. Soon the parade started and we all settled in to watch. It was a longer parade than normal and we actually had a sunny Fourth of July which rarely happens in Washington. After the parade we came home and had a delicious barbecue with Nana and Poppa.

After dinner we went down to City Beach for the fireworks show. We got to the park in plenty of time to find a great seat and let the kids run around and wear themselves out. We met up with James and Lisa and their family. The fireworks were beautiful this year. Chloe enjoyed them as usual. Aidan didn't want to sit still long enough to watch them (he was soooo tired). Brenna slept through the entire show (if you can believe that). It was a great fourth of July spent with family and friends.

Grandma & Grandpa Pitner Visit the West Coast

During the last few days of June Matt's Mom and stepfather, Sam, came out to Washington for a visit. We had a great visit. We had fun visiting, playing in the backyard and eating lots of good food. We went on the ferry to Port Townsend and walked around all day shopping and looking at all the old ships. Chloe and Grandma "camped" out in the backyard in our tent one night. It was a wonderful time spent catching up on each other's lives.

Summer Sillies!!

Here are some fun pictures of summer life in the Webster household!!