Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cold & Flu Season

It has been a very long week for the Webster family. Last weekend Aidan got very sick and began throwing up Saturday night and continued Sunday morning. He was sluggish during the beginning of the week but seemed to be on the mend. We thought it was maybe something he ate (since he will put anything into his mouth) but we were wrong. Tuesday night I got sick and Matt was sick Wednesday morning. After three days of laying on the couch we began to slowly feel better. Aidan however came down with a runny nose and hideous cough Thursday. He has been steadily getting worse over the weekend. Chloe has now developed a cough. She is still active and running around so we hope it is just a simple cold nothing more. Please pray that Aidan gets better though! The poor little guy is beyond miserable.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Aidan is doing much better. He is still fighting a horrible runny nose but the cough seems to have run its course. Chloe is getting over her cold as well. Matt and I however just can't seem to win lately. We've both come down with Aidan's cold. Yeah! I guess we are the ones sleeping with the humidifier in our room tonight. :)
