Sunday, September 30, 2007

Another Week Flies By!

It is hard to believe that October starts tomorrow. Where did September go? This past week has been the same as usual. School, dance and more school.

We got Chloe's school finalized. We now have her signed up for speech therapy and three hours a week in a learning center to help her with her cognitive skills. This will hopefully help add to our school work at home. Chloe is flying through her Kindergarten curriculum and is learning so much with her one-on-one time with Mom. I am so excited with her progress. She is still enjoying school and despite a few issues seems to be settling in.

Aidan is growing in leaps and bounds both physically and socially. He is now saying, "Hi," "Dada," and "Momma," when he feels like it. He is climbing onto everything and getting into everything. He is suffering from a terrible case of diaper rash that is incredibly painful. So please pray for him. I am hoping I can get him an appointment in the morning.

Matt is doing well in his college class reading and writing papers. I know he will be glad when the semester is over although he is already planning on taking an English class next term. He is trying to settle into his new command but Monday he is already being moved to a new position. Hopefully he will find a new job.

I have had a long week. Thursday morning I came down with a horrid case of food poisoning and have been fighting it ever sine. I finally feel better tonight and am not as queasy or tired. So Lord willing I am finally on the mend and can be ready to go this week.

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