Tuesday, September 4, 2007

One of THOSE Days!

Have you ever had one of THOSE days? I am sure you know what kind of day I am talking about, especially if you are a parent. THOSE days when your kids test every button known to man just to see what kind of reaction to get. Or when your kids know that you are mentally, physically and emotionally spent and that you will be an easy target. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids and would do anything for them but sometimes . . .

Chloe was a great kid today. She patiently waited while I sat through two meetings at school to get ready for the start of school on Monday. We even got to go shopping, just the two of us. Not for anything super exciting but it was nice to spend some time with just her. We picked up some map/posters for my geography class, some folders I needed to keep me organized for school and her primary journals for her daily work (basically composition books for elementary students). She is getting so excited for school to start up again. We even stopped in at Starbucks (a rare treat) and splurged on Frappachinos. (I know, I spelled it wrong Lisa).

Than we came home. Aidan woke up screaming about everything. Anything and Everything would send him into a full blown temper tantrum--on the floor, kicking and screaming. Nothing made him happy (not that we were catering to his demands). I finally picked up the screaming mass of toddler and set him on the floor in his room and walked away. After he calmed down he came out. Not a great start to the evening.

While I was trying to make dinner (which turned into an absolute disaster) he got into everything. First it was removing all the cans out of the pantry. As soon as I was busy putting those away, he had moved on to our room. I found him unrolling our toilet paper and playing with his baby monitor. I cleaned that up, just to walk into the kitchen and fine plastic containers all over the floor. By than he was happy with Chloe in the family room so I worked on dinner a little more. Than I heard a noise. Sure enough he was at it again. He took my melted, almost empty Frappachino cup and was finger painting--the floor, the garbage can, his face and hair.

Sometimes I wonder if I am cut out to be a Mom to a boy. :) AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I feel better now.

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