Monday, April 27, 2009

Busy, Colds, and Life!

We have been very busy the past week or so...

Matt is busy gearing up for his retirement. He is still working on his resumes and realizing that condensing 20 years of work into a couple of sentences is not easy. He is enjoying more time spent at home with the kids. Once he is done checking out we will begin working on the house in earnest.

Chloe has been doing school and dance since we got back. She is slowly gaining more confidence as a dancer and is enjoying it so much. One of these weeks I will remember the camera =). She is enjoying her new math curriculum and can't wait to start her new reading program.

Aidan is quickly become quite the gymnast. He as mastered forward somersaults and loves to show them off to anyone willing to watch him. He has now decided he wants to do cartwheels like big sister. He is also fighting a lingering cold this week but seems to finally be on the mend.

Brenna is fighting the same cold but it seems to be hitting her harder than her brother. She is just miserable and could use some prayer. On a brighter note, last night she slept through the night in her crib!! Yippee!! She slept from about 8:30PM until 7:20AM. So hopefully that can continue.

I have been busy trying to keep up with the kids and their colds. This morning I woke up miserable, so I know they have learned to share. =) I spent the weekend working at our local street fair and festival working my Stampin' Up! business. It was a great event and I will be busy this week following up on leads.

So that is the latest recap on the Websters. I will try to get some pictures this week, since I know you don't want to read what I have to say, you just want to see the pictures! =)

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