Monday, April 28, 2008

Earlier Than Expected

After much frustration with the military hospital and doctors, today we made some progress. Throughout this pregnancy we have been worried about how big Brenna will be especially after already delivering a nine and a half pound baby boy less than two years ago. Not really an experience I want to repeat. The doctor has been insisting if the baby is that big that it will mean a C-section, which I want to avoid at all costs. Last week the doctor finally agreed to an ultrasound on the 7th of May to see how big Brenna is than we will decide from there when to induce, etc. especially if she is big already.

Well, Brenna Nicole Grace has decided that she is ready to meet her family and come a little earlier than expected (not that Mom is complaining). I have been in a lot of pain over the weekend making it hard to even sit down or get comfortable. I told the doctor that today at my appointment. All the pain over the past four days is worth it though...My body has started to dilate and get ready for labor. Yeah!! The doctor finally decided to schedule me to be induced on May 9th. But he doesn't think I will make it through the weekend let alone into next week and not go into labor. Oh darn!

So either way, Brenna is coming early, either this week or next Friday she will be here. As you can imagine this has put Matt and I into a bit of a scramble as we are forced to settle plans and make sure we have everything we need for the baby. I plan on working right up until labor which will make the time go by quickly I hope. I am trying to get my alternate teachers lined up so that if I do go into labor this week I have all my classes covered. So we appreciate all your prayers as we anticipate Brenna's arrival and that her introduction to her brother and sister will go smoothly too!!

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