Saturday, January 26, 2008

Children's Exploits

Aidan is now 18 months of pure boy. He is so busy that I just clean up one of his messes and he has already moved onto the next one. We have bungee cords wrapped around our cabinets and drawers in the kitchen just to keep him out of stuff. I could never find a sippy cup for him because he would get into the drawer and leave cups and lids all over the house. Let me just give you a quick recap of his exploits the past two days.

He decided he needed a bath on Friday and of course that meant in the toilet. Why not? Makes perfect sense right? Yuck!

Bailey was in her kennel Friday night and Aidan decided she looked hungry. So he took the lid off of the dog food and proceeded to feed the dog in her kennel and the entire family room floor.

He hit Chloe with a stuffed animal just so she would chase him around the house. Of course she did and he ran into a wall. He had a nice goose egg from that one.

This evening he ate one of my stamps. Yes I am serious he ate it. Chloe handed me the wooden block so I quickly did the finger in the mouth sweep--Nothing! A minute later Chloe found the rubber part of the stamp on the floor (the part with the image). Apparently that wasn't tasty enough although he did leave a few teeth marks in it. He did manage to eat the foam piece that used to be attached to the rubber though.

Although not to be outdone Chloe has had her share of "smart" ideas lately too.

She was practicing her letters in a wipe-off book. She was finished so I told her to wet a paper towel and wipe it off. A real no brainer, right? Apparently not. Matt found her in the bathroom with a hand towel that was soaking wet with the book sitting on the toilet. I am sure you can all picture the potential disaster.

Are we sure we can handle another one?

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