Monday, April 16, 2007

Aidan's 9 Months Old

Aidan is now 9 months old! I can barely believe it. Hs is SO big! He looks like he is already over a year old. Here is what is going on in his world. On March 31, 2007: Aidan finally got his First Tooth! It is his front, bottom right one. He is busy working on the second one!

He is a mean crawler. He is no longer "inchworming" his way all over; he is now up on all fours. Plus he is fast! He keeps us on our toes. He loves to explore the house and go from one end to the other, especially to see what his big sister is up too! Aidan loves to get in the middle of whatever she is doing. He is into everything and anything and finds the weirdest things. He is also pulling himself up using whatever furniture or person happens to be nearby. Unfortuneately he hasn't quite figured out how to get down gracefully. So we are still working on that but he is getting there. He is starting to figure out how to move along furniture and the playpen. He will be completely mobile before we know it.

We just came back from the Doctor's office for his check up. Aidan is developing right on track and perfectly healthy. His weight has dropped some (to be expected since he is still nursing and he was very sick a few weeks ago). So we have to go back to the doctor in six weeks just to monitor his weight. Today Aidan weighs 18lbs 5oz (two weeks ago he was at 19lbs 4oz), still a lot for a 9 month old. He is 27 7/8 inches long, he is getting very long. All in all he is a very happy, content baby despite a strong stubborn streak.

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