Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Ceremony

I would like to say that my children were extremely well behaved during the wedding ceremony. But who am I kidding? They are 7, 2.5 and 1 years old. They were very entertaining to say the least. Here are some highlights...

1. Aidan insisting that he carry Aunt Kimmie's bouquet down the aisle because he didn't like his pillow (Aunt Kim convinced him to switch right before they walked down the aisle).
2. Aidan kept insisting that he walk with Chloe but he was suppose to walk with Aunt Kimmie, who kept telling him that she didn't want to walk alone. So he walked down the aisle with her. Than he saw Chloe walking alone and decided she shouldn't walk alone either. So he ran off the stage, through the church and walked back up the aisle with his sister. Very sweet.
3. Brenna and Aidan decided to test all of the battery operated candles during the ceremony and do a bit of redecorating.
4. Mom pulled her vows out of her cleavage--shocking dad.
5. Brenna, after wandering on the stage for a while, decided to find Mom. Not always easy when you are 30 inches tall and Mom and two others are wearing the same dresses. First she went to Aunt Kimmie, looked up--"No, that's not Mom." She looked to her right and saw another blue dress, so she walked to the next dress. She looked up at Aunt Kim--"Nope, not Mom either". Looks to her left one more time, grabs Mom's dress and looks up--"Jackpot"!

Here are some pictures...

Here are some cute family shots taken afterwards:

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