Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat or Absolute Exhaustion!!

Mommy votes for exhaustion. The past few days have been very busy and our schedule does not look like it will slow down any time soon. Halloween just seem to add to the craziness! The kids had a blast and were so excited to be in their costumes. Chloe kept taking off parts of her costume so I never got a great picture of her in her Hannah Montana costume. Aidan was a dragon and Brenna was a pink poodle. They all looked great!!

We went to Nana and Poppa's and Uncle Michael and Aunt Kim's houses to "Trick or Treat". The kids had fun showing off their cuteness. Than after a quick dinner we headed to church for a night of fun!! The kids played games, ate hot dogs (even though they had just ate dinner), saw their friends and got hoards of candy. They had a great time.

I know the pictures aren't great but I was having a hard time taking pictures and keeping track of the kids in the crowd. Enjoy our Halloween!

1 comment:

debparlee said...

They are absolutely addorable!