Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve!

What a wonderful Christmas Eve! We had a lazy day since Aidan was fighting a bad cold and as usual I was fighting some afternoon morning sickness. We got all our last-minute shopping done so we were ready for the next day. I went to Christmas Eve services at our church by myself and did a dramatic reading. The service at our church is nice but the thought of my 17-month old and five year old holding onto candles makes me a tad nervous. Plus Aidan was not up to going.

After the service we at a yummy lasagna dinner (made by Matt). My mom ate dinner with us and enjoyed spending some time with the kids. When we were all done with dinner we opened our Christmas Eve presents. We all got brand-new pajamas (our family tradition) to wear for Christmas morning. Aidan wasn't sure about opening his at first so he decided to stand on the box first. After he watched Chloe ripped into her present her kind of got the idea. Chloe loved her pajamas especially when she realized that they said "princess" on the shirt. It took a little time to get the kids into bed since neither one was very willing to go down for the night. Eventually both kiddos were in bed. So Mom, Matt and I went to work getting presents ready for the morning.

Poppa soon arrived with a truckload of gifts. We had to move the coffee table and an end table in the living room to make room for all the loot. We even had to stash stuff in the tree which we've never done before. It was quite a haul. We were all exhausted when we done and ready to get some sleep before the morning.

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